Straight Talking Advice for Girls

If we haven't met yet, Im Rachel - Mam, Wife, Coach, Entrepreneur and Fierce Female!

I am passionate about creating opportunities for women and girls to grow, thrive and unlock their FIERCE potential. There is no fluff round here, I created Fierce Females for a no nonesense, straight talking approach to female empowerment to inspire you and your daughter, because that is what I do.

Not only am I currently raising a teenage girl (alongside a teenage boy) I am also coach to hundreds of young girls through my cheerleading programme. I have dealt with everything: the periods, the pain, the boys, the girls, the friendships and the fallouts. 

I am CEO of a non profit organisation which I set up to create opportunity for young people, we have our own community centre and full time childcare setting. I am programme director and owner of North East Cheer, one of the largest cheer programmes in the UK. I have built our own training centre The Urban Factory, a bespoke venue for Cheerleading, Gymnastics and Parkour. I am mentor to business owners and there isnt much I havent dealt with. I'm here for it all! 

Inspiring 1 Million Women and Girls

I know, its a big goal... but I'm a go big or go home kinda girl!  

I want to inspire and empower 1 MILLION women and their daughters and help them to jump start their success.

I am PASSIONATE about empowering girls and teaching them leadership, and I have coached thousands of girls in my cheerleading programme over the years. I realised I could only reach the number of girls who walked through my gym door, and I wanted to reach more. This is why I created Fierce Females. 

But the thing is, I can't do it alone. This is where YOU come in, this is the purpose of FIERCE FEMALES.

We UNITE women, we SUPPORT women and we BUILD women, and we do it TOGETHER. 

Meet the rest of the team

Meet Maya, our Community Manager here at Fierce Females. Maya is a budding entrepreneur and eco enthusiast. She keeps everything flowing smoothly in our community and is more than happy to help you with anything Fierce related!


Fierce Females Community Manager

Unlock your inner Fierce Female

Straight Talking Advice to Help you Unlock your Fierce Potential

As women, especially parents, we have a terrible habit of putting ourselves last.  Last to eat, last to get dressed, last to do something nice for ourselves, last to buy anything. But if we continue to do that and if we continue to put other things ahead of us, we then become lost. And if we become lost we are no help to anyone and we cannot empower our daughters.

Rachel, Fierce Females Founder with her daughter

I know this because it happened to me, I put myself last and I became lost. When I moved the focus away from myself and I was doing so much work on building my business, building my empire, taking on everything that would come towards me, I completely lost myself and I was really really struggling. But I realised that I couldn't pour from an empty cup, I started putting myself first and now I want to inspire you to do the same. 

I want to share my systems and strategies with you, so that you can do the same. Remind yourself of who YOU are, build back up your confidence and feel incredible again. But we cant hide from the truth, we have to face this head on. No fluff, no blame, standing up, being accountable and preparing to work for what you want. Remember.. you are nothing without yourself.