How to use SELF-ACCOUNTABILITY to generate MOMENTUM and instill lasting CONFIDENCE
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Confidence, Self Accountability and Momentum. As a Fierce Female, these are concepts which you should understand and be able to implement in your journey towards becoming the best possible version of yourself.
This blog post will look at how you and your daughter can use self accountability to build momentum and overtime, develop lasting confidence.
What is Confidence & Self-esteem for your daughter?
Confidence is a quality that we obviously want our girls to have because it is so vital in terms of success, financially and socially. However confidence is often misunderstood and can be easily confused with self esteem.
Confidence: a belief you hold based on your ability to do something.
Self-esteem: how you see yourself and how you think others see you.
It is easy to confuse the two because they are very closely linked. Our girls might have amazing confidence when it comes to that one thing which they love and are super passionate about, but it is their lack of confidence in other aspects of their lives which is bringing their self-esteem down.
How to improve your daughter’s confidence.
A simple but effective confidence building exercise you can do with your daughter:
Get her to draw a circle on a piece of paper.
Inside the circle, tell her to draw everything she is confident at. For example, areas of work, subjects, people she is confident around, activities she is confident in etc.
Outside the circle, tell her to draw everything that she is not confident at.
Examine all the things your daughter drew outside of the circle and try to see if you can work together to find out which things are linked to her self-esteem.
Then explain how most of the things that are inside the circle are there because she does them often.
Basically, things inside the circle are done far more often than things outside the circle.
So all we have to do to gain confidence in those things we left outside the circle is start doing them more often.
The more often we do these things the more of those things come inside the circle of confidence.
The more things we have inside the circle than out, the higher our self-esteem is.
Now isolate one thing from outside the circle that your daughter really wishes she was more confident at.
Come up with a plan together which details exactly what your daughter needs to do in order to bring that thing inside the circle.
Explain that if she can do this process repeatedly, anything she wants can be brought into the circle.
Self Accountability & Momentum for your Daughter.
Now that we really understand what confidence is and how it affects our daughters’ self-esteem, let’s talk about how we can teach them to use self accountability methods in order to generate momentum and overtime, lasting confidence.
If your daughter wants to be successful then she has to learn how to take responsibility for her actions. Get your daughter to think about everything that she wants out of life:
Does she want to change anything about her health, physically and/or mentally?
Does she want to become more wealthy?
What would an increase in wealth mean for her?
What is one thing holding her back that is within her power to control?
Just the simple act of saying these things aloud makes them real and that makes them achievable. Now she is in a position to plan how she can achieve these things and already she is building momentum. However a plan and a schedule is no good if you do not hold yourself accountable to it. Then, it is just a bit of scribbled paper. If your daughter can learn the process of: identifying what she wants, forming a plan to achieve it, breaking that plan down into realistic steps and then completing these steps, she will start to build momentum and in doing so develop that lasting confidence we all want our daughters to have.
How you can help your daughter by using a journal to practice Self-accountability, build Momentum and develop Confidence.
Journaling is a great way to declutter the mind and map out your route to success. Keeping a journal can be beneficial for anyone but especially a young Fierce Female. It can be hard to hold yourself accountable mentally so it is good practice to write things down that you want to achieve. We should teach our daughters that by writing down what they want to achieve they are committing to it, turning a thought into something physical and therefore increasing the incentive to do it. Because no one wants the feeling of failing to accomplish something they wanted to do. Psychologists have calculated that you are 42% more likely to achieve your goals if you write them down.
I personally use these 3 journal prompts everyday:
What am I going to do for myself today?
Who do I need to serve today?
What actions will I take to get these things done?
Journaling is also widely regarded by medical professionals as a useful tool for processing emotions. Here are some things that journaling can really help you with:
managing anxiety & stress
coping when things are difficult
improving at positive self-talk
identifying negative thoughts & behaviours
If you struggle with any of these or even if you are just curious, I encourage you to give journaling a try as it is a great tool for any Fierce Female to have at her disposal.
This blog post has talked about Confidence, Accountability & Momentum in relation to your daughter’s success. Confidence and self-esteem are linked. If not being confident at something lowers her self esteem, it's time for her to become more confident at that thing. If your daughter gets used to holding herself accountable to her goals/life tasks through journaling, she is so much more likely to achieve her goals!
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