Fierce 4 with Rachel Lynch

Coming soon...

You need Fierce 4 in your life if you are...

  • Struggling to self motivate
  • Going round in circles and not making any progress
  • Frustrated with your life and feeling like you are not in control
  • Spending more time dreaming about what you want in life rather than actually chasing it
  • Ready to change your life and stop holding yourself back.

If this is you it's time to stop getting in your own way and sign up for the straight talking, no nonsense, empowerment programme for women.

Get ready for F4 with Rachel Lynch.

I went to this last week and was motivated enough to sign up for it. Anyone who knows me knows how little time I spend on myself so the fact that Rachel has inspired me means that it must be brilliant! I’m so nervous but excited too!


Your journey to success starts with you!

✓ Belong to an exciting, high energy group of women, ready to take action and become the best version of themselves.

✓ Weekly accountability and support for you to work on your goals. 

✓ Weekly online workshops with Rachel PLUS a weekly QnA.

✓ Weekly Promps to keep you on track.

✓ Learn to guide your daughter towards success through leading by example.

✓ Lifetime access to the coaching calls so you can be inspired for life.

Get me in now!

Your weekly schedule with Rachel:

Before we start - Your personal audit and on boarding.

Week 1 - Fierce Goals - The big picture, Setting your goals and claiming your accountability.

Week 2 - Fierce Lady - Its a mindset: Lets take a look at what is holding you back so we can propel you forward.

Week 3 - Fierce Confidence - Empower yourself and the women around you. Unlock your most powerful, confident and Fierce self.

Week 4 -  Fierce Health - How are you looking after yourself: Mind, Body and Soul (lets get FIERCE!)


"Inspiring, develops your thinking and I'm so glad I did it x."


"Found last week really interesting and it was exactly what I needed to hear. I signed up straight away and I am excited to get started."


"I would highly recommend you join in Rachel’s masterclass. It is so inspiring  and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Book your place now!"
